Types of Real estate crowdfunding investments

Types of Real estate crowdfunding investments

Although Crowdfunding is a relatively newer subject in Real estate, it has quickly gained popularity in the mainstream investment arena. Hence, its growing demand has led crowdfunding investment vehicles to be further branched into subdomains. The ‘perfect crowdfunding scheme’ is an investment myth. So, the method that aligns with one’s risk tolerance and returns expectations… Continue reading Types of Real estate crowdfunding investments

A beginner’s guide for Crowdfunding investments in real estate

Crowdfunding investments in Real estate is an emerging trend that enables smaller investors to be a part of lucrative projects with minimal investments. In this blog, we will discuss how crowdfunding investments in real estate unlock profitable investment opportunities for individual investors, thereby helping them to achieve their investment goals in the long run. What… Continue reading A beginner’s guide for Crowdfunding investments in real estate

A 2021 guide for Asset Allocation in Real estate

Asset allocation in real estate

Investors and entrepreneurs today focus on smart allocation strategies that guarantee value creation that withstands market crashes and global economic crises like that of COVID-19. Therefore, besides investing in traditional stocks and bonds and equity spaces, investors are keen on building a real estate portfolio. Reports estimate that over 10% of most entrepreneurs’ global portfolio… Continue reading A 2021 guide for Asset Allocation in Real estate