11 Sure-fire Real Estate Lead Generation Ideas for 2022

real estate lead generation
real estate lead generation

Do you know that over 60% of real estate agents spend the majority of their day finding new leads? Are you also facing a hard time generating leads for your real estate business? If yes, Lilypads will help you simplify your real estate lead generation process in 2022 with the latest tips and tricks.

How do you generate real estate leads?

Lead generation describes the process of increasing a customer’s interest in your product or services. Through lead generation, you can attract and convert prospective buyers into ‘leads’.  And in the real estate business, agents must maintain a healthy pipeline of leads to grow their business.

If you are an agent or a broker, you may feel overwhelmed to create the right marketing strategy to stand out and grow your real estate business in a highly competitive environment. Earlier you may have it can be overwhelming to incorporate the right lead generation strategies to boost the market.

The key pillars of lead generation are categorized into two parts- inbound and outbound. Inbound is the modern and digital way of marketing which includes social media marketing, content marketing, advertising, SEO and so much more. 

On the contrary, outbound marketing includes direct mailing, telemarketing, and event marketing. Depending on your targeted market segment, demographics, and other factors, you may need to implement a suitable lead generation strategy.

In a low-interest environment, you may see a surge in leads. However, being a rather unpredictable market, fluctuations in investor and buyer sentiment can affect your business negatively. So, it’s crucial to keep your lead pipeline ever-growing with genuine clients.

In this blog, Lilypads provides you 11 best real estate lead generation ideas that will keep you ahead in the competition.

11 best Real Estate Lead Generation Ideas for 2022 that will grow your real estate business

1. Create a network of leads through Real Estate Advertisements

As a realtor, you must allocate a portion of your marketing budget towards paid online ads. While commencing real estate marketing you can add video advertisements where you can introduce yourself. 

Sponsored advertising is a powerful tool used for generating leads. These are ads that target specific marketing keywords and searches. Instead of creating a brand-specific ad, these sponsored ads can blend seamlessly into real estate. You must buy sponsored ads to reach new customers and to increase the number of leads. 

Sponsored ads boost brands’ identity among the listings in a digital marketplace leading to increased loyalty. It also increases the conversion rates. The main mechanics behind this initiative is budgeting, targeting, and analytics. Real estate agents must set the campaign budget.

Then you have to select your target based on the keywords and search terms. Finally, you need to track the visitors and analyze them to measure your progress.

Sponsored messaging can also be a mode of real estate lead generation. They allow you to reach people’s inboxes without having to procure an email list. 

It comes in two ad formats: message ads and conversation ads. A message ad delivers a targeted message featuring a call to action button. You can use a Lead Gen Form to a landing page for generating conversions and optimizing results with reporting. 

Whereas, a conversation ad allows you to deliver up to 5 CTAs with various types of content allowing a highly engaging experience. 

2. Grab the market lead with Predictive Analytics

In 2022 AI and real estate are streamlining and automating several processes and operations of real estate. 

These include lead generation, lead nurturing, marketing, property analysis, property generation, property valuation, etc. Today, the real estate market has witnessed an influx of predictive analytics solution platforms which has simplified the tasks of the agents.

In addition to this, AI-powered chatbots can be used to constantly refine themselves and improve their response to users’ questions. These chatbots and virtual assistants can assess the conversation style and flow, speed of responses, tone of language, etc and determine lead engagement and conversion. 

Moreover, AI can uncover vast amounts of data that real estate agents and brokers generate. These help in creating an understanding of an agent’s history, and scheduling transactions and showings thus automating a majority of their operations.

AI in real estate also helps in Smart CRMs and automated valuation models. Also and predictive marketing increases access to insights and accelerates business growth.

3. Create a social brand with social media ads

Sometimes a question may arise: how to generate real estate leads online? The best answer to this is social media platforms, and who has a better audience reach than Facebook? Running ads on Facebook, Instagram and other platforms are one of the best real estate lead generation ideas to boost awareness of your listings. According to Mashable, 79% of real estate agents use Facebook for accessing new clientele.

Through Facebook Marketplace you can buy or sell properties, and create mobile-friendly listings. Also, you can list your inventory for free including all the relevant information (location, price, details of the property). Furthermore, you can add images(up to 50) to your Facebook page. 

Furthermore, Facebook Advertisements target your ideal audience through their demographics, geography, and interests. Also, Facebook lead ads help you create ads that users can access on their mobile or desktop devices. The marketplace makes customer relationship management easier through Messenger. Furthermore, Facebook ads allow you to 

The visual and eye-catching nature of Instagram is a perfect fit for posting your ads. Through Carousel posts, Instagram Stories, and Instagram reels you can reach your audience. Another significant feature of Instagram that made it popular in generating leads is its geo-targeting.  Whenever you post something on Instagram you can add a location that can target the relevant users of your area. 

The hashtag feature of Instagram helps you add up to 30 hashtags that can expand your audience and increase your post reach.

In addition to this, you can also utilize LinkedIn Lead Gen forms to collect leads on LinkedIn itself without redirecting them to external landing pages. Studies show that LinkedIn is 277% more effective in generating leads than any other social media.

4. Capture more leads with the magic of advertising

Pay-per-click advertising is an effective way to generate leads online. As the name suggests, an advertiser has to pay for each click their ads get from the internet users. 

Statistics suggest that 33% of users on the internet click on paid search ads. This is because they find paid ads more relevant to their search queries, hence they feel compelled to click on the ads. Hence, PPC ad campaigns converted 240% of the industry average lead volume. It changed the value to 18% of the industry average cost per lead. 

PPC ads allow the businesses to grab the attention of the qualified leads who are looking for property listings or buying the property. It helps boost brand metrics as it targets a wider audience for promoting the business. 

Real estate agents can strategize an optimized PPC ad campaign to reach your target audience in a much faster and more effective way. Since these ads are paid, you can easily show your ad ta the top of a search engine or social media feed. In addition to this, you can get complete data on which ad is working the best and the success of your campaigns.

5. Content marketing is the key

Content marketing can be extremely instrumental in adding value to your targeted customers. Hence, proper content marketing implies better online visibility and establishing brand authority. Therefore, great content marketing tools like videos, blogs, social media, websites, and newsletters can improve your SEO and Google rankings. Thus, you can easily convert leads to buyers and generate free advertising. 

You can set up your real estate blog as a first step to launching your full-fledged marketing campaigns. The goal of blogging is to provide the latest information, news, studies, and statistics on your industry as well as market your services. 

Similarly, local SEO is a baseline marketing necessity. Some ways to enhance the local SEO include: creating a Google My Business profile and setting up on-page local SEO signals. Furthermore, you can start building links, get listed in online directories, and by using structured data markups. You can also improve local SEO by managing online reviews and engaging with social media users. 

Besides, newsletter marketing also generates great ROI for any average marketer. A real estate newsletter should contain a mix of blogs, infographics, links to social media, trending data points, geo-specific news, etc. 

If you already have a dedicated list of email subscribers, you can try email marketing, since you can educate your potential clients and also segment your audience easily.

6. Create your brand through Google Ads  

Google is the vital platform for lead capture. If you want to speed up then go for paid search which will enhance the target audience. Google Ads are the most popular way for a real estate agent to start PPC advertising. 

PPC stands for “pay-per-click” it’s a type of digital marketing campaign. In a PPC ad when the user clicks on that sponsored ad, the advertiser pays a small amount to the search engine. Essentially it’s a way of buying visits to your site.

Google is the most widely used search engine and has a large impact on real estate marketing. Google ads with PPC work as a lead generation tool where each user sets up a bid on certain keywords. 

Thus, when a user search for a term Google algorithm decides to show the specific keyword. And this keyword research is crucial to creating the perfect ad campaign. This decision depends on various factors that as how your landing page is set up and optimized for a clear user experience. Furthermore, it also checks how relevant the keywords are in your ad, the quality of the ad copy itself, and Google’s quality score for your ads.

You also have to use a keyword research tool to create a list of possible keywords that your ad can rank for. Moreover, you have to update this list of possible keywords to get the best chance of reaching your audience.

7. Use of high conversion Landing Pages

Did you know that the average Conversion rate across all industries in Google ad words is 3.75% however for real estate businesses the average is a mere 2. 47%?

Therefore whether You Are a real estate marketer, listing agent, or a Firm owner you should focus on creating top-notch landing pages that can maximize conversions.

But creating high conversion landing pages should not be too complicated. Instead, your real estate landing page should convey an engaging and personalized experience for each site visitor.

You should focus on keeping your lead capture forms and search tools simple while using attractive imagery or auto Play background videos on your landing page. 

In addition to this, be direct and transparent in your copy and use a pop-up CTA that is compelling enough for the visitor to provide their information. 

Lastly, sometimes providing customer testimonials, awards or badges can help you instill trust in your business and expertise in the minds of your potential buyers.

8. You may host Virtual Tours

Today 95% of the potential buyers browse the internet to find their dream property. And 85% of buyers select their property through a virtual tour during the search. Moreover, 77% of clients want to do a virtual tour before visiting the site, especially in a post-pandemic era. 

Today virtual tours give mainly three-dimensional views which enhances online engagement on your website. 75% of potential buyers claimed that virtual tours have given clarity to decide between buying faster. 

Virtual tours save time for the buyers. Visiting physically each property is a strenuous job instead getting a detailed view with a click remaining in your comfort zone is much more acceptable. And a satisfied customer always enriches the brand image. 

Virtual tours get 40% more clicks than listings without them and also 65% more inquiries than without a virtual tour. As virtual tours are available 24*7 hence, you don’t have to plan a schedule or take an appointment. Therefore, it saves a lot of money, effort, and time and ends the deal on a happy note. 

9. Regular follow up on Expired Listings

Expired listings are those properties that were previously available in the market but did not sell before the listing’s expiration date. So if you Are a real estate agent you can get hold of such expired listings As they are a valuable source for lead generation on targeted secondary markets. 

However, you will first need to identify expired listing leads to convert them into active listing opportunities. 

Therefore, you can use multiple listing services (MLS) Or build a reliable network of real estate agents who were open to exchanging their expired listings with your leads through email or social media. In addition to this, you can purchase Expired listings. 

After this, once you have found new leads within expired listings, you can convert them by sending emails, or an expired listing letter. 

Also, you must set up great marketing campaigns, SMS marketing campaigns, send out mailers to expired listing leads or advertise on social media. 

Lastly, the most tried and true method of turning Leeds into new clients is calling and emailing the owners of such expired listings directly through calls, email, or text.

10. Go for retargeting

Retargeting focuses on advertising your services to people who have already shown interest in your service or have already interacted with you in one form or another. 

Hence re-targeting is often quite effective in identifying and targeting the right people for your services on Facebook and other social media. Therefore, re-targeting Will maximize your conversion ratio in a cost-efficient manner.

There are mainly two types of retargeting: list-based Retargeting and pixel mystery targeting. Also are targeting campaign focuses mainly on driving conversions and boosting brand awareness. You may set up your first free targeting campaign by first installing a pixel, creating you are targeting a

An example to cite the working of retargeting: let’s state that someone visits your website and looks for the availability of rental property in Chicago for $4,000 costs. They searched the subcategory of having a parking lot and spend a significant amount of time on that portion. With this information, you get an idea regarding the consideration of your potential client. 

Now, you can retarget that particular client with rental property in Chicago having a parking lot within the range of $4,000 to $4,500. After receiving this ad your client gets delighted to get the perfect deal and there’s become a chance of getting potential buyers. 

As an investor, if you want to run successful retargeting ads then you have to follow some tips. Firstly, you have to set up your website for retargeting and you have to retarget various groups: buyers, sellers, and renters separately. Through this, you can get information about their locations, budget, etc and you may proceed accordingly. 

Next, you can use Facebook to target the ads and make your campaign powerful. You can target the people in your area and assist them to move into a new home or upgrade to a nicer home as per their requirements.  

After that, you have to use the right content in your ad to attract viewers’ attention quickly. Furthermore, you have to link to the right landing page that has eye-catchy images or videos.

However, you have to be careful while running continuous retargeting campaigns as they may create a negative impact on your target audience. Hence, you must set display frequency limits to the visibility of your ads per month. We suggest setting up the display frequency at a range of 15 to 20 per month. 

11. Create Video Marketing to sell more properties

In 2020, 63% of homebuyers in the USA made an offer on a home through video marketing and walkthroughs. Through videos, you can explain things more clearly. Video messages are 40% more likely to be opened hence you can book more meetings. 

You can also create personalized short videos of nearly 60 secs and send them through emails. It enhances your relationship by building trust and authority. 

You can also create an introduction video embedded on your websites, Facebook, and YouTube pages. Introduction videos are a great tool to humanize your real estate brand and build a connection with first-time visitors and prospective buyers.

Furthermore, you can also host live videos on your Facebook and Instagram pages which gives you a chance to showcase your property along with interact with the viewers. 

Be consistent and make the right move

Although real estate lead generation has become quite difficult in today’s competitive real estate market, it is not impossible. Whether you are a real estate agent, broker, or firm owner, make sure you keep up with the latest trends in marketing or hire a marketing team who will do the same. Remember the days of cold calling and emailing are gone, and this is the age of social media and metaverse.

With the rise of myriad technological tools, marketing your real estate business or generating leads should be a cakewalk only if you move with a strategic blueprint and reach your target audience faster than your competitors.